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Astrid Raetze

Krista Gerrard

Special Counsel

Krista Gerrard has over 25 years’ experience in financial services law. She spent several years as a member of the superannuation group of Mallesons Stephen Jaques (now King Wood Mallesons) and later consulted to the Baker McKenzie financial services group, primarily on superannuation and funds management matters. She has also acted as in-house counsel for a broad range of financial services organisations including Perpetual Trustee, MLC, ING, Zurich, Mercer Consulting, AMP, TAL. Krista was the Secretary of the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation for a number of years, including during the introduction of the SIS legislation, and has a strong understanding of regulatory matters and regulator interactions.

Krista has a keen interest in climate change law, the TCFD recommendations and the emerging obligations of financial services organisations to disclose climate related risks and the related opportunities.

Krista has volunteered for Redfern Legal Centre, Homeless Persons Legal Service, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Opportunity International, Mission Australia, AMP Foundation’s Skillsfest Mentoring Program (for not for profits).

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